Antoine Leblois
Centre d'Économie de l'Environnement de Montpellier (CEE-M)

I am doing development and environmental economics and my PhD has essentially been focused on the adaptation to climate change of the (mainly rainfed) Western African agricultural sector. Then, my research have been oriented towards land use / forestry, and deforestation in the tropics. It now aims at understanding better the interplay between conservation and poverty, in terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

S. Desbureaux, I. Kabore, G. Vaglietti, M. Baghai, P. Lindsey, A. Robson, P. Delacote and A. Leblois, 2024 Collaborative management partnerships strongly decreased deforestation in the most at-risk protected areas in Africa since 2000. PNAS, Vol. 122, No. 1. Data & replication code.

S. Desbureaux, J. Girard, A. Dalongeville, R. Devillers, D. Mouillot, N. Jiddawi, L. Sanchez, L. Velez, L. Mathon, A. Leblois, 2024 The Long-Term Impacts of Marine Protected Areas on Fish Catch and Socio-Economic Development in Tanzania. Conservation Letters, e13048. Data & replication code.

Nicolas Mondolfo, Antoine Leblois, Philippe Delacote, Léa Tardieu, How urban planning decisions affect environmental inequalities: the case of Traveler sites in France, submitted.

J. Jacob, A. Leblois, M. Brunette, An economic analysis of a storage policy after a storm occurrence in forestry, Environmental Modelling and Assessment, 2024.

N. Berman, M. Couttenier, A. Leblois & R. Soubeyran, 2023 Crop prices and deforestation in the tropics. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 199, 102819. Data & replication code

Vaglietti, G., Delacote, P., Leblois, A., 2022. Droughts and deforestation: Does seasonality matter? Plos one, 17(10) e0276667. Data & data paper

A. Leblois, 2021. Mitigating the impact of bad rainy seasons in poor agricultural regions to tackle deforestation Environmental Research Letters, 16 054003. Data & replication code

J. Girard, P. Delacote, A. Leblois, 2021. Agricultural households' adaptation to weather shocks in SubSaharan Africa: What implications for land-use change and deforestation? Environment and Development Economics 1-23.

M. Brunette, J. Thomas, A. Leblois, 2022. The determinants of adapting forest management practices to climate change: Lessons from a survey of French private forest owners Forest Policy and Economics vol. 135, 102662.

A. Leblois, T. Le Cotty, E. Maitre d'Hotel, 2020. How might climate change influence farmers' demand for index-based insurance? Ecological Economics vol. 176: 106716.

Forzieri, G., A. Bianchi, F. Batista, M-A. Marin-Herrera, A. Leblois, C. Lavalle, J. Aerts and L. Feyen, 2018. Escalating impacts of climate extremes on critical infrastructures in Europe. Global Environmental Change (48), pp. 97-107.

Leblois, A., J. Wolfersberger and O. Damette, 2017. What has driven deforestation in developing countries since the 2000s? Evidence from new remote-sensing data. World Development 92, pp. 82-102 Data link

Dragicevic, A., A. Lobianco, A. Leblois, 2016. Forest planning and productivity-risk trade-off through the Markowitz mean-variance model. Forest Policy and Economics 64, p.25-34. -- Post Print

Kosmowski F., A. Leblois, B. Sultan, 2015. Perceptions of recent rainfall changes in Niger: a comparison between climate-sensitive and non-climate sensitive households. Climatic Change, 135(2), pp 227-241 -- Post Print

Leblois A., P. Quirion and B. Sultan. 2013. Price vs. weather shock hedging for cash crops: ex ante evaluation for cotton producers in Cameroon. Ecological Economics, 101, pp. 67-80 -- Post Print

Leblois A., P. Quirion, A. Alhassane and S. Traore. 2013. Weather index insurances: an ex ante evaluation for millet growers in Niger. Environmental and Resource Economics, 57(4), pp. 527-551 -- Post Print

Leblois. A. and P. Quirion. 2013. Agricultural insurances based on meteorological indices: realizations, methods and research challenges. Meteorological Applications, 20(1), pp. 1-9 -- Chap. 3 of the PhD th.

Delpeuch C. and A. Leblois. 2014. The Elusive Quest for Supply Response to Cash-crop Market Reforms in sub-Saharan Africa : The Case of Cotton. Last version: Chap. 2 of the PhD th. Word Development, 64, p. 521-537.

Delpeuch C. and A. Leblois. 2013. SubSaharan cotton policies in retrospect. Development Policy Review, 31, 617–642.

Roudier,P.; Kane, C.; Leblois, A.; Sultan, B.; Weber, S. 2019. Deux exemples de stratégies de gestion du risque agricole en Afrique de l'Ouest : services climatiques et assurances indicielles, in FAIRE FACE AUX RISQUES EN AGRICULTURE Perspectives croisées de chercheurs et de professionnels, 2019 Harmathan.

Leblois, A., 2017. Remote-sensing evidence about national deforestation rates in developing countries: what can be learned from the last decade. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier, edited by Scott Elias, Global Change section editor : Dominick DellaSala. Post-print

Muller, B., M. Sall, A. Leblois, A. Baldé, M. Fall, P. Kouakou, et F. Affholder. 2013. L'Assurance agricole indicielle en Afrique de l'Ouest, principes, premières réalisations et perspectives, Agronomie Africaine, Numéro spécial (6) sur les changements climatiques : p. 95 - 111.

Sultan, B., A. Alhassane, B. Barbier, C. Baron, M. Tsogo, A. Berg, M. Dingkuhn, J. Fortilus, M. Kouressy, A. Leblois, R. Marteau, B. Muller, P. Oettli, P. Quirion, P. Roudier, S. B. Traore et M. Vaksmann. 2012. Vulnérabilité et adaptation de l'agriculture sahélienne au climat au sein du programme AMMA, La météorologie, Série 8, p. 64-72.

A. Leblois, INRA Sciences Sociales (30 ans ISS), No 3-4, oct. 2018 -- Economie de l'environnement, opportunites & obstacles (donnees & pluridisciplinarite)

Les assurances agricoles basées sur des indices météorologiques : bilan des connaissances et agenda de recherche, in V. Ancey., B. Dedieu, M. Antona, I. Avelange, G. Azoulay, I. Darnhofer, B. Hubert et B. Lémery, 2012, Agir en Situation d'Incertitude Ed. Peter Lang, col. Eco Polis

Muller, B. et A. Leblois, Assurances, aléas et risques, in A. Euzen, L. Eymard et F. Gaill Ed.
2013, Le Développement Durable à Découvert, CNRS Editions.

Be aware that titles are (sometimes oddly!) chosen by the publisher

Cogestion des aires protégées par les ONG et les États en Afrique : une réussite pour réduire la déforestation
with S. Desbureaux and P. Delacote, Libé, RFI, CP INRAE (fr), 2025.
Tanzanie : comment les aires marines protégées transforment l'économie locale sur le long terme,
With S. Desbureaux and R. Devillers The conversation / INRAE / IRD le MAG, (fr) 2024.
Comment les sécheresses influent sur la déforestation ?
with G. Vaglietti and P. Delacote , The conversation (fr), 2022.
Les (potentiels) bienfaits socio-économiques des aires marines protégées,
A LUM LA SCIENCE #1, (fr) UM / Divergence-fm, 15 oct. 2021.
On sous-estime les effets du dérèglement climatique,
Gazette de Montpellier (numéro spécial innondations, fr), oct. 2020.
Le changement climatique va-t-il nous priver d'assurance ?
with M. Brunette et S. Couture, The conversation (fr), 2019.
Déforestation au Brésil : que fait vraiment la France ?
with J. Girard et P. Delacote, The conversation (fr), 2019.
Assurance contre la sécheresse à l'essai en Afrique de l'Ouest (fr), 2018.
Hétérodoxes contre orthodoxes : zéro partout chez les économistes?
with P. Delacote et S. Garcia, The conversation (fr), 2017.
Cashing in on cotton: can west Africa ever compete with US subsidies?
with C. Delpeuch and B. Shepherd, (The Guardian, Global Development Professionals Network), 2014.
Changement climatique : un avenir promis pour le coton au Cameroun?
with B. Sultan et E. Gerardeaux, (IRD, fiche actualité, fr), 2013.
Risque climatique
L'actuariel (fr), 2012.

Lecture on weather data for economists
==> Link (Fr)
Lecture on weather index-based insurances
Short presentation on recent work on remote sensed tree loss in the tropics
Lecture on risk and incertitude in applied economics
Lecture on resources , Mines de Nancy
Lecture on impact analysis: double diff - RDD
INRA (30 ans ISS) -- Economie de l'environnement, opportunites & obstacles (donnees & pluridisciplinarite)
Lecture on sustainable development, for French civil servant competition training
Oxfam Nancy -- Development, climate change and inequalities

Leblois, A. 2023. Shocks, food production and conservation in low income countries.
HDR (habilitation to supervise research in Fr.) manuscript (Montpellier University)
Leblois, A. 2012. Organizational changes for Sub-saharan African agriculture: essays on cotton sector reforms and index-based insurances.
PhD thesis (EHESS, Paris)
Oral Presentation (in French)
Résumé (in French)

Leblois, A. 2008. Réallocation sectorielle et emploi en Europe, le cas du travail à domicile.
Master Thesis (DEA Macroéconomie, U. Paris I, 2006).

Present position: INRAE, CRCN (Tenured Researcher), habilitated to conduct research (HDR)

2013 - 2014: Post-doc at the EU Joint Research Center

2012 - 2013: Post-Doc at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris

Sept. 2011 - March 2012: AMID (Marie Curie) fellow at CRED, Namur.

2008 - 2011: PhD candidaate at CIRED: "Organizational changes for sub-Saharan African agriculture: essays on cotton sector reforms and index-based insurances",
Committee: Catherine Araujo-Bonjean, Jean-Marie Baland, Jean-Charles Hourcade, Serge Janicot, Philippe Quirion (advisor), Katheline Schubert, Eric Strobl, Benjamin Sultan (co-advisor).

I have been especially interested in weather events, their impacts and the design of weather index-based insurances with high density rainfall stations networks or remote sensing derived products. In this context, I tested the interest of rainfall indices applied to millet, maize and cotton productions, respectively in South West Niger, Burkina Faso and Northern Cameroon. I also studied cotton policies in Sub-Saharan Africa, looking for a supply side response to institutional reforms. Both topics are related since they try to understand how a lack of credit and insurance could hinder agricultural development and how to overcome this problem. he first try to fill this gap by understanding the lack of access to insurance (potentially allowing farmers to get credit at lower price and fostering technology adoption). The latter shows how coordination among actors in a cash crop market helps supplying input credit and hedging against international price variations. Beside environmental economics and the agricultural sector, I also have been interested in informal activities and the labour market, which was my first step into development economics. Regarding those issues I wrote 2 papers, the first on the French home services reform (master thesis in French , cf. academic work) and the endogenous impact of formal training in Senegal and Kenya manufacturings.

2006 - 2007: Master in Environment, Sustainable Development and Risks, Sciences Po.

2005 - 2006: Master in Macroeconomics, La Sorbonne, major in Labour Economics.

2003 - 2005: École Normale Supérieure de Cachan.

Complete CV can be downloaded here.


Coming soon: replication code for database construction Tackling tree cover loss in a land pressured agrarian region requires addressing heterogeneous impact of a bad rainy season

Codes for         computing average deforestation Hansen data by country

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